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Grow food, clean water, be kind, love learning.

Ive been binging the Resident on netflix. Its pretty good, not lifechanging blow your mind, just decent distraction. I’m doing so as I armwrestle some health issues, and at one point I thought am I just scaring myself, feeding fear?? But I realized no, the payoff is seeing the characters in healthcare as humans who really care about patients.

I’m covering another teachers class, there was a fight right in the quad right outside the door. Ive been here 8 years, seen a lot of fights. But I have never heard that kind of blood curdling screaming, sustained for longer than Ida thought possible. Not injury, just rage (cop and principal holding her down). I saw her an hour ago during clubs, she was all smiles.

I used to think taking a monday or friday off was the best. 3 day weekend. But taking a Wednesday off is the freaking bomb.

I caved. I know my symptoms are related to stress of But I cant breathe/meditate/selfcare through this hoteffingmess. So sure, gimme drugs.

@Alfred you told me many times here
your mothers name was Rose. Do you still stand by those statements?

@Alfred what can you tell me about cholesterol ratios?

My new doc gets my confidence! I always have “high” cholesterol, but if you dig in the ratio is great and triglycerides are excellent. Ive had to argue for years, no I don’t need statins. This doc? Didn’t even suggest statins.

❤️ 💯

Omg, 33 people out tomorrow, that we know of in advance. I’m scheduled to cover a class for a language I dont speak. Which is honestly better than last week, me covering a rotc class 😂

He answered his phone, he’s not coming back, at least for the day. :doh:

Whelp. Teacher next door to me just lost it and walked out. We’re taking turns watching his students. 1st year teacher, it’s a lot.

Ahhh. Nothing like walking in to a note from a sub saying how wonderful my students were and how she’d gladly sub for me again. 😍

Aww. My ex’s cousin named her baby for me cuz I helped with her delivery (in a crisis, hurricane). She just had a baby herself, named her Rose.

Welcome sweet one 🌹

How many people are ok with concealed carry at their jobs, you don’t even know which of your coworkers has a gun on them?

Now add the absurd risk to students.

Laurel boosted

It’s difficult enough for many parents, not knowing if their child’s teacher is a good human who should be in a classroom full of children. This is a slippery fucking slope that could go devastatingly wrong a million times over the possible one time it could go right—if you call shooting dead someone in crisis right.

We’ve all become desensitized to acts of horror, violence and terror… but we have got to do better and not become used to it. Nothing about this is normal.

I can do hard things.

So can you.

💚 💃

Arming teachers is terrifying. I’ve met a few who would volunteer, and they are the last people you’d want armed in schools.

I would absolutely quit if it happened in my state. As I suspect many in Tennessee will.


If I had a magic wand I’d use it to ensure that rational, logical knowing of a thing would translate to emotional or other ways of knowing/believing things.

Ive seen folks onhere post about and I learned. Wasn’t really me, maybe mildly in certain circumstances. Omg, today! I about lost my mind! I have great relationships with my stiudents, they were all “you seem stressed” . One student recognized it, he had sooo much more knowledge/awareness than I did. Love my students,

Damn. I think i’m at least softblocked by many folks here. Thats more than ok with me, the tools are to be used!

But it hurts to see one of our wisest most thoughtful members backing off from posting b/c we are so reactionary.

Coso is different, context matters!

Be better, humans.

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