If Bernie ran as an Independent (the party he holds a Senate seat as), he'd still be in the race.
Maybe there are rules for getting in on debates, but I'd like to know how many people are relying strictly on debates/who he won over in those that he wouldn't win over with a simple commercial.
The party is at fault for not trusting him for two straight cycles...and he is at fault for trusting the party for two straight cycles.
@XSGeek I just feel like there is a flaw in Bernie trusting the DNC now twice and they have decided against him...now twice.
@XSGeek equal parts because they actively conspired against him last time and probably did the same thing (just learned to be quiet about it) this time.
Bernie simply came back for more and none of his supporters seem to care.
@XSGeek this is a valid argument. Two things:
1. How different/plausible is the electability of either? Nader maybe wouldn't have gotten 2 months into a campaign if he aligned with either party. Bernie seems to have more support.
2. I think social media works in the favor of a 3rd party. Reddit AMA, Facebook live stream, etc. Nader didn't have that.
@XSGeek I have no horse in this race. I live in Nebraska. We're likely going red even if I soak my ballot in blue. I'm more concentrating on flipping our senate, Congress, and district reps.
I look at the presidential level as a spectator to chaos. Just have to watch and let dust settle as it's going to on it's own.