@Mauve_matelot :

Lá breithe shona duit! Happy Birthday to you!

My knowledge of musical instruments...is not vast.

Shop talk with a mate, and found out I was completely wrong about something- I'd always thought fret markers on guitars were pretty modern things, but they've been around since the early1800s. How I'd got the idea they were invented with the electric guitar is something I don't know- probably something I was told as a boy and kept.

Thought for a moment it was some joke but no- that's a Hell of a thing.

A fecking earthquake- in New York??

Was Zooming with a team in NY; what the...?

This has been a very long day. Sure it'll be good to have work finished, and be on to the next project, but right now, I'd murder a spice bag, and I'm already selecting a playlist to go with my grease.

I mean, should I list the phrase "clam up" as offensive to bivalves?

Why yes, I can "go through" these 27 hours of recording to see "if anything could cause offense".

Specific offenses to look for might be helpful- but no, no list.

It is extremely gratifying to see that even the rich and powerful can stub a toe like you and I do.

Nobody is immune to foot injury.

Ever hear something so magical that it sticks with you for years? Thinking on musician friends who did a version of Blind Faith's "Can't Find My Way Home" on lute, bouzouki and bodhrán. Wish I'd had the sense to record it, but it was one of those things, and no way to recapture it.

Woke to "Start Me Up" playing in my head, on a loop.

I'm started. No, Mick, really, I am. Now let me do my damn work.

That sound you're hearing? That thumping noise? That's me and the wall I'm banging my head on. Be well, CoSo, and always remember attention to detail will save you a sore forehead.

It's spoken word, not recording the damnity Berlin Philharmonic.

I appreciate the professionalism, but some people drive a nail with a nuke.

And that, children, is why we don't use the expensive microphones for people who have a history of dropping them.

Thank all that's holy for the SM58.

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Kyle L

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