He came to the conclusion that ducks were the least of his problems and things would really resolve themselves if he could just figure out how to hide the bodies.
Keep it down unless you have suggestions or a shovel.
@Kurtroedeger @PurpleDragon
Pond... Just point the output at a pond...
@InvaderGzim @Kurtroedeger
I like the way this person thinks 🤣
That's still water, easy to dredge. You want moving water. 😏
I mean..... theoretically.
@InvaderGzim @PurpleDragon you know, aimed right, this could take care of the duck problem too. 🤔
@InvaderGzim @Kurtroedeger @PurpleDragon
Whenever anyone tells me "You'll regret that in the morning", I just sleep in till past noon, 'cause I'm a PROBLEM-SOLVER.
@InvaderGzim @Kurtroedeger And apparently an experienced body hider 😆
Duly noted for future, um, possible endeavors
@PurpleDragon @Kurtroedeger
Shhhh.. 🤫🤫🤫
@InvaderGzim Will dm with coordinates when I need you 😉😜 Keep it hush hush
@Kurtroedeger True, very messy. You have acreage, maybe there are some hungry coyotes out there?
#feedthewildlife #dragonsbedragons
@Kurtroedeger Will a wood chipper work? Saw one on fb marketplace this am. 😆