the Cooperate TEchbros want clicks from users and views on SM. so they can sell advertising. And any attempt to squeeze users for $ ruins the SM, and a failure to moderate hate content makes it worse and drives away users even if it means more clicks
SM should be a service like phones, internet, and electricity primarily for users and allows access for government and its institutions (weather, news courts, law) for PSA. Not for sharing and spreading hate
my $0.02
@Kinnison I like your $0.02.
There has been some suggestion by Jack in particular that it and the AT protocol was essentially designed to be moderation resistant. As such, the predictable Nazi bar rears its ugly head and nothing can be done about it.
@KAutumnrain It isn't a nazi bar. it is an apartment building that allows Nazi's to move in and protects them while giving them free drinks at the bar
Certainly more apropos.
@Kinnison If only people could somehow delete their accounts and stop signing up for shitty services that make their lives worth.
Oh, if only they had fingers, thumbs, and minds to drive them to go "I won't be on a service run by people who make services this way."
Unfortunately, there's no way to stop using these services. It's like a law of gravity.