KimiinAZ boosted

I just had a flash of inspiration from a sweatshirt of all places. No, I’m not going to knit a sweatshirt, don’t be silly … but I AM going to swatch something out tonight and if it works like I think it will, there’s an amazing new subtle science themed sweater in my near future!

The look you give when you're chosen to hear yet another Kari Lake frivolous lawsuit.😂

I wish the Pro-life/Family Values crowd would go after dead beat dads as hard as they go after women's rights. If they did maybe so many women wouldn't need to have abortions.

Has anyone bought Cassidy Hutchinson's book Enough yet? I really want to read it but have to wait for it to come to my library. For the record I believe her testimony. I just finished reading I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw in the Trump White House
Book by Stephanie Grisham it was pretty interesting.

KimiinAZ boosted

Does anyone think Greg Abbot won't show up for the NRA Annual meeting this weekend?

KimiinAZ boosted

It needs to be asked. It’s the only reason why they REFUSE to do anything. How much money has your Senator taken from the NRA to look the other way every time a group of schoolchildren are murdered.

Can anyone explain to me, in very simple terms, why the NRA is a 501C3?

There is a showing locally here in Yuma AZ of D'Souza's 2000 lies. The MAGAs are gushing over it and view it as a documentary. Even out local Sheriff, who is doing an investigation into 16 cases of voter fraud🙄said his investigation was not inspired by the film as implied. I wonder if they think Jurassic World is reality too?

Happy Friday Everyone! I hope your weekend is beautiful and creative.

I have a trans kid family member. My news feed this morning was full of rights restrictions being imposed and am terrified absolutely for her. She has chosen to identify as a woman and now the attacks on her rights will be doubled.🏳️‍🌈 What is happening to my country?

Is there a how to guide somewhere that explains how to navigate CS? I feel frustrated because I can't figure out how to see comments on posts or how to add a gif to my own posts.


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