KelpieDaNi boosted

I have to admit that today I've seen people defining themselves in ways I've long found unnecessary. I don't ever recall asking such questions of CoSoNauts. I've always found that as we interact with each other, we eventually reveal who we are, what we love, who we love, what we struggle with, how we cope, it all just becomes apparent. Let's just keep talking.

KelpieDaNi boosted

As part of the Brooklyn Public Library's response to censorship & book banning, it's offering free eCard membership to young adults between 13 to 21 anywhere in the U.S.

KelpieDaNi boosted
KelpieDaNi boosted

I think what makes the vibe here so pleasant to the noticeable lack of MAGAts. It’s nice to get away from their hate filled views

Happily vaccinated and boosted x3. Still keeping my mask on until someone passes a law preventing me from wearing it in public. Which in this unbearably red state is not as unbelievable as one might hope. But since wearing a mask seasonal asthma attacks, common colds, and flu have been near nil.

KelpieDaNi boosted
KelpieDaNi boosted
KelpieDaNi boosted

There are many, many wonderful kdramas. I have a hard time picking favorites. But my top five would probably be in no particular order:
Jirisan, Happiness, King the Eternal Monarch, The Korean Odyssey, and Ghost/Phantom.

KelpieDaNi boosted

Elon Musk sai he’s going to let :Asshat: back on Twitter. Mass exodus in 3…2…1.

KelpieDaNi boosted

Maybe it’s just me, but imagine how many children could’ve been fed and how many homeless could’ve been given housing with $44 Billion. ~ @TheRickyDavila

Cancer survivor, Child Abuse/Domestic Violence survivor, Divorced, Raised 7 kids,
Things I love: God/Jesus, my family/friends, crochet/knit, reading, writing, kdramas, music, octopuses, dogs, cats, wolves, crafting, my granna, my adopted family
Things I detest: my birth parents, inequality, injustice, racism, most organized religion, hate organizations, child abuse, domestic violence, fat/skinny shaming, mental illness stereotyping/portrayals in fiction and entertainment

KelpieDaNi boosted

Checking this place out to set up a refuge from Twitter. are just a few of my favorite topics

KelpieDaNi boosted

@Cinj We’re working on a for that question… scroll up the Firehose feed in a bit to read more if I lose you in the flow 🥰

KelpieDaNi boosted

If you’re interested in learning how CoSo is funded and what anyone can do if they’d like to help is explained on pgs 3-4 of the user guide.


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