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Roger Cohen with a great question..."There’s a deeper question, which comes back to the extraordinary Western landscape and the high American idea enshrined in it. Americans elected Trump. Nobody else did. They came down to his level. White Christian males losing their place in the social order decided they’d do anything to save themselves, and to heck with morality. They made a bargain with the devil in full knowledge.

Today at a pool party a kid that couldn’t swim jumped right into the 8ft section of the pool. Mom next to me asked “is he ok?” as we tried to comprehend if he was joking or flailing. His head went under- we hollered to “get him!” 14YO in my son’s class torpedoed over, grabbed & pushed him up as he got pushed under, moved him to the shallow, carried him to the stairs. The 11YO’s mom was in tears afterward. So glad a mom saw the distress, & so proud this 14YO had the poise & calm to act quickly.

Me telling puns to my 12-year-old. He doesn’t appreciate my wit, but I persist.

Can we have all members of Congress, and the president with his cabinet and staff, sent to the sites of these mass murders and forced to tour them before they are cleaned, so maybe that will have a damn impact on what these Weapons of Mass Destruction are capable of?

Why why why can I not stop myself from commenting on friend's/family's FB pages in an attempt to rebut their idiotic right-wing shares? Lord I didn't know until late 2016 how many racists I knew.

I am over every weekend being a rainout. Those Christmas lights aren’t going to take themselves down...

Pelosi, 77 years old, has been speaking for 7 1/2 hours now in support of Dreamers, telling their stories. Longest speech in House history and still going. abcnews.go.com/Politics/pelosi

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I do love the Don't Panic sign on the dashboard of the Tesla on its way to Mars.

New soup venture - Risqué Bisque-ness.

Yes, that’s my cat chewing on the new “toy” he was dragging down the hall like a puppy...

Loving the trending over on the Bird - people are so fun!

@SethAbramson on the Bird site is breaking down the Simpson transcript. Long, but informative. twitter.com/SethAbramson/statu

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