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^^^ sidenote - I feel like coso's lip emoji's got collagen ejections while I was gone. Look at the size of these things....💋💋💋💋

^^^ thinking of my coso flock lately. Wanted to pop in to say hello and send my love to you all ❤️

@JustJenisms For me you can just remove the words "in November"
I have a Spotify station set up with just Anti-Christmas songs that I play starting in Dec. I even used to play it when I was delivering the mail before I got this IT job.
I'll be posting links to videos of the songs on there as the season gets closer but here are a few of the hits
Father Christmas - the Kinks
Drunk on Christmas - Jimmy Fallon and John Rich
Fairytale of New York - The Pogues
The Night Santa Went Crazy - Weird Al


Well, god bless you merry madam.

Now I'mma vacate the premises before getting shot.

For the record, this doesn't help "us" and "them" atmosphere.

LMAO. SO, now you need to have a Pro account to send anything other than public posts?

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

@JustJenisms is a kinder egg:
Light and dark with hidden delights, but careful! Misuse her gifts and you may find them to be a choking hazard!

@JustJenisms @Bemet_Or @Heucuva8

You’re totally necessary. Never thought about it. Jen I’d say you’re candied jalapeños. Sweet and spicy.

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