Hunting/Wild meat question Show more

Ultimately a demagogue like cannot be defeated until the anti-intellectuals in his populist mob realize that they have been duped. The are a necessary exercise toward that end, but there's no way around the fact that we are in for a long wait.

TFG, like other dictators before him and contemporaneously, has benefited from a certain clownishness and absurdity that invites mockery, but also invites underestimation. When we're ridiculing TFG and Melania and Jared and Vanky and Eric and DonJr, and the whole circus, we may forget just how sinister and dangerous these people are. They're not really clowns; they just play them for TV. They're actually engaged in profoundly dangerous and destructive activities.

I saw some great posters today but I must admit this is my favorite.

Any tips or suggestions for travel in Italy? I’ll be in Bologna and Rome for a few weeks. Per favore.

I find reading about war on another continent when my only concern is daily commute traffic to be totally fucked up.

how many men's rights activists does it take to change a lightbulb?

none, they still use gaslighting

The Ginni Thomas story is bigger than Clarence Thomas or his position on the Supreme Court.

It reveals what a lot of us have been trying to tell people. The antidemocratic authoritarianism wasn’t just Trump or a passing flirtation. The GOP and the Right Wing are riddled with it.

BREAKING: Congress just reintroduced a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

This is huge.

Corporations are not and will never be people. Period. The American people should decide our elections.

That's why we support
's constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.

@Juliab we smoked steelhead and black cod today. For a brief moment felt we were back home in the PNW.

Merry Fishmas to me. Smoked salmon belly strips. Gift from my hubby.

I have had too much fun tonight but I have to work tomorrow. Thanks to all for kindly letting me reconnect.

My life in the last month. Hubs in the woods (retired) and I’m keeping the home fires burning, i.e., still working. 😀

I’ve been “absent” a long time. My apologies to this community. You deserve better.

Now I ask for opinions. 😔 IF I proceed to go to Italy for 2 weeks next April (big if due to covid) what language apps/cds did you like for picking up basic Italian.?

This video is very well done and thought provoking. But I’m preaching to the choir on this site. Thought provoking is like breathing on coso.

Why do I feel like present day is comparable to the German 1938 Kristallnacht?

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