Diana boosted

My condolences go out to all those people in Georgia who would rather be a werewolf.

Diana boosted

@Rickbflony I'm given to understand that Senate Republicans want to hold up a Defense spending bill until and unless the COVID-19 vaccine requirement for members of the military is dropped. Because "principled conservatism" requires that our military be vulnerable to COVID-19, or something.

Diana boosted
Diana boosted

If you talk to anyone who has anything unkind to say about the Capitol Police, or family members, who refused to shake hands with the GOP Leaders, do be sure to ask them about Trump's refusal to attend Biden's Inauguration.

Diana boosted

We have a wildly politicized RW police force in this country and it's a huge, huge problem.

"Former FBI official says DC cops who heckled Michael Fanone should quit and go work in a donut shop" rawstory.com/dc-metro-police-h

Diana boosted

Hey... look at that. Special Counsel Jack Smith wants to know what sort of communications the various Arizona False Electors had with Donald J. Trump or his campaign.

That's an investigation into what's known as a Conspiracy to Defraud the United States. CONFRAUDUS, for short. (From JustSecurity.Org)

And of course another Republican loss means there was voter fraud….

Trump has issued a statement… it’s all Allen Weisselberg’s fault.

Good Grief… this is just getting more and more interesting….
Ronny Jackson has a dark side? Who didn’t see this coming!

Trump Organization…GUILTY on ALL COUNTS… including TAX FRAUD.

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