I dare not share on FB but this should bring you up to date. My FB friends would be beyond themselves, and hubs would rather I not.

I got chemo today but awoke so weak from things being all blocked that I thought I wouldn't. Now or never they said.

It went well. Looks like treatment will be easier than doing nothing.


So the ugly news is that my liver has gotten rather bad. That means the chemo they planned wouldn't absorb. One provider even suggested I might have limited options.

Doctor disagrees. She has scheduled me up for *this week* to start an unpleasant but effective chemo. I am happy to do so. My symptoms are ugly.

This was a first, though: even a hint I'm running out of options.

Got some ugly news today. I’ll update when I can but things are grimmer than I’d like.

I am alive.
Surgery happened. It went ok. I am eating already and recovering. Surgeon did say he could see the tumors on my liver. That's got me a little rattled but I will welcome the return of old-fashioned chemo this month.

Also, some good news at the last minute:
1. I do not have Covid (I mean, I knew, but they tested me for surgery)
2. They tested me for surgery. That’s good. That means my surgery has not yet been cancelled.
3. I made it though Thanksgiving, eating lightly but ok and with minimal distress handle by drugs.

Know the GIF where Kermit waves his arms in the air? Me, currently.

I got my four month long collision repair back from the collision shop. It was running and looking pretty well, until the spedometer just quit. I thought, “well, no big deal, a loose wire.” Well, it is a bigger deal. Whose brilliant idea was it to make it a sensor, not a cable? Grrrr.

Five months...

@Mandypar @Jsabinas @ecksmc 😂So that's how hubs does it! I am excellent at muting him too; I put🎧🎶on & go outside or in another room. A few uh-huh's & it takes him awhile before he realizes he's fussing &🤬to only the dogs, who usually look at him as if he's gone bonkers, & run to me😂

Fu**ers are canceling surgery in my county due to covid-19. If they don't allow me to have surgery, the suffering goes on and I have to delay cancer treatment even longer.

I said Donald Trump would.kill me. Less that 60 days left in office and he may succeed.

I so angry.

Aside from Zuck no longer taking action against Facebook bots and trolls, the level of harassment is stepping up. My friend’s photos were stolen. I administer a group for bone mets, and trolls are trying to infiltrate. One attention seeking teen? kept lying on the fly, picking up ideas and claiming to suffer from them but getting them all bolluxed, like saying she was oligometastatic (one or two lesions) and then claiming extensive mets. If I didn’t need the groups...FB is 0 fun now.

So I have a new problem. My stomach is basically twisted around my diaphragm. Phenomenally painful when it becomes acute as it did tonight. But surgery is scheduled for the 30th...if I make it.

Lest you think I'm brave and strong, I was basically begging to die and get it over with before the 2nd round of morphine.

Oh, and this is hub's birthday so I basically blew it up.

Life sucks, did you notice?

Liberal tears appear to have watered the Tree of Liberty.

Expect to see it bloom 2021-1-20.

I think what this place needs right now is a happy Congratulations Biden and Harris !

Add to it with hearts and smileys.. let's light this place up green! 🤗 💟 😃

Looks like I will have to be happy with this one. But believe me, the original is superior.

Nonetheless, The US in its current state:

Epitaph by King Crimson


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Adventy M 🕯️🕯️

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.