Praise Odin. Fuck those domestic terrorists.

Hey gang, it’s weird when you walk into a place and the girl you’re talking to is eating with another guy, right? 😂

Should it surprise me that Trump voters are this dumb? Because it doesn’t. Holy cow are they dumb.

So tired. Don’t want to sleep. I don’t want to miss anything.

Regardless of what happens, I’ll take solace in the fact that when history judges America, I can say proudly that I never voted for Trump.

In case anyone was curious, Michael Keaton is the best Batman and it’s not close.

I’m a lot like my mother. We invest everything of ourselves in relationships, and we always end up the ones hurt.

I’m not perfect, but I was a good husband, I’m a great brother, uncle and friend. Through the help I’m receiving, I’m starting to come to grips and accept that my wife decided to cheat, and leave, and even though it hurts, cutting her off even as she continues to reach out is the right thing. That thought has been in my head for days and I just needed to get it out. 👍🏻

A little z quil, and the Braves on the radio, gonna try to call it an early night. Have a great weekend everyone

Well, now we are proper fucked. RIP RBG

Slept a little over 17 hours last night. Depression knocks you out sometimes folks.

I’ve had 2 bad dreams about my wife who decided to leave me after I found out about years of cheating and lying. After waking from those dreams, I have text messages from her waiting on my phone. That’s weird, right?

The GOP and their insane racist leadership acting out after Kamala Harris’ nomination means one thing to me. They are afraid.

“Someone, I tell you, in another time will remember us” - Sappho

It has been a rough few months for the home team. The love of my life decides she doesn’t love me anymore, moves out, takes EVERYTHING, insists on texting me constantly to “see how I’m doing”, then today comes over and takes our dog. She says she only wants to spend time with her, but at this point I don’t trust her enough to not fear I’m never gonna see my dog again. This feeling suuuuuccccks.

Super low key 4th. One might even say it was boring.

So today at work, I politely listened to a lady lecture me on why I didn’t need to wear a mask for all the usual trumpy talking points. Immediately behind her were a couple, who in conversation told me they were traveling nurses who were fueling up and grabbing some snacks while on their way to Texas to help with the spread there. I was happy to pay for their coffee and wished them luck and good health. America is a fickle, funny place.

I think I’ve watched everything worth watching on Netflix. Quarantine life is boring and necessary.

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