Trying cynicism but I don’t think it will work. Good morning folks and stay warm.

Happy new year CoSo! Wishing you all peace in 2018

It’s a one year membership to the jelly of the month club

Cheers counter surfers! I hope everyone finds peace, truth and justice today and in the new year.
Building relationships is valuable, thanks again to J and friends for this platform. I have also come to count on @beard to keep me up to date.
I don't post much but I am proud to be a member of our group. If I can contribute anything, let it be to spread a little cheer, so thanks to everyone for being here.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I don't social all that much but CoSo makes me want to. When I jump on it's follow, follow, follow. Everyone is cool here. I'm learning things and seeing a good side of people. thanks for playing everyone!

Jimmy boosted

@GroovySooz Yes, I agree.

Wait a minute. This is still social media. Why are we agreeing about anything? We should hurling insults! We should be foaming at the mouth with apoplectic outrage! How come no one called anyone else a cuck!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?

@TheAbbotTrithemius @dawnling @mayday

Jimmy boosted

"How come there aren't any trolls?"

Did you know that Mayflies have the shortest lifespan on earth at a scant 24 hours? CoSo trolls look upon them with profound envy, for their lifespans aren't measured in days or hours, but mere minutes. They join, they toot, they die. It's awesome.

You can help by reporting any post that's obviously troll content. Tap on the ellipses (...) below the post, then hit the Report option.

Help us to keep CoSo troll-free!

Jimmy boosted

I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be.
— Thomas Jefferson

Today I’m writing code for a scan gun, warehouse management, shipping program. This is a fun Sunday for me! Enjoy your day CoSo!

Jimmy boosted

@Sieve70 One of the anti-stalking measures I implemented into CounterSocial was to prevent the monitoring of ur accounts from the outside. Linking to toots and profiles is also not possible.

Basically if someone wants to stalk you, they are gonna need an account here.

Jimmy boosted

“The difference between a politician and a statesman is that a politician thinks about the next election while the statesman think about the next generation.”
― James Freeman Clarke

just wanted to say, congrats @Jim you registered here shortly before me but I will wear the @Jimmy handle with pride! I will let it remind me of my youth, playfulness and what-not. And thanks for the follow. Cheers!

So many good conversations here and no bots to ruin good discussion. Thank you J! If only I had more time to talk.

Jimmy boosted

Stay focused - the abysmal bill that passed last night is not law. Now comes reconciliation with the House. Keep on your congressfolks and remind them to do the right thing!! Take care of the people, not the oligarchs.

Jimmy boosted

It's mind blowing how Republican lawmakers are able to constantly trick people in Appalachia into giving their money to the rich while insisting that it's the "liberal costal elite" who are the problem...

Jimmy boosted

follow me I will follow you I want to hear what you have to say

Jimmy boosted

1. Be respectful to everyone. Even people you don’t like or agree with, cos the world is a really small place and a shitty attitude will follow you. You don’t have to be nice, overly warm, fake or anything that’s not genuinely you. Just be respectful. 2/

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.