Again I'll pin this.
(1) Abortion funds will finance women
(2) Long term and/or permanent birth control will always be available at planned parenthood, no matter what the law says:
(3) The National Women's Health Network also ships critical reproductive health medications: We will never go back to unsafe, unsterile abortions because safe medication abortions are available.
MAGA Indiana attorney general files to revoke license of doctor Who provided Medical Care to 10-year-old girl @MeidasTouch #rape #abortion
Follow up on her rapist next.
@grapho @MeidasTouch the analogy in my head is that he handed them a megaphone and told them to run amok and that's exactly what they're doing. He's actually really good at creating chaos but I'm not sure he knew that until he took the presidency. I'm betting everything that's a high he never knew existed and it became addictive.
i think you've actually explained him. it's chilling how extensively this checks out.