This is a friend of mine who is a wonderful candidate to be a representative from California! I endorse him 100% cuz he will do the work. His story is incredible and he is young and progressive. He’s not my district but I met him a few years back at a protest that friends and I organized in San Diego for and again when I was protesting TFG with . He’s been my friend since. If you are 52nd district in California, check him out! @JennyeK1

Happy 1st CoSonauts!
Princess Penelope P Peep
"It's me, Peep!"
Peep's on the counter in my RV to give you some size perspective. She's about the size of an average 5 month old kitten & she's 11 years old.
She loves to talk but she sounds like a bird. Hence, Peep! 😉

I'm liking more & more every day. I really love the Community Firehose. It's like I'm walking through a park, listening in on conversations all around. Starring the toots is like a wave or a smile to the person, & I can join in if I have something to mention myself. I'm feeling at peace here. Happy. Something I haven't felt on Twitter for years.
Thank you, @th3j35t3r for all your years of hard work & the last few days of growing pains to make this place an oasis away from Twitter,

It's so nice to meet you! Sophia means wisdom. Something says your name fits you.

Thank you so much to my new followers & friends. I am so happy to see you here. Is anyone else feeling as excited as I am to be here. For some reason this feels like a completely fresh start!

Oh my gosh, my 1st CoSo post! Chin Chin everyone! So happy to see all my fellow resisters. We escaped Elon....WhooHoo 😎

Jennye Resists Fascism

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.