What a day! We started by going BOBOH. We then won a pretty leash in the arm band raffle!
The best part of the day, was setting a personal record! I put 4, yes, *4* new titles on Gideon today, and 1 on DeeDee!
Both obtained their CA (Coursing Ability) titles. After obtaining his CA, Gidee went on to earn his CGCA (Canine Good Citizen Advanced), CGCU (Urban CGC), and TKN (Trick Dog Novice) titles.
@stueytheround Hah! Here's the funny part I learned last night, and haven't made a formal post about yet.
My math from.his last wins was wrong. HE EARNED HIS GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP at the last shows!! He's at 24 points (25 needed) & 1 win still hasn't posted! He's done!! We are doing a champaign celebration tomorrow!
@JeSsA Woot! Well done!
@Ironworker229 @stueytheround Thank you!
@JeSsA ConGRATULATIONS! That's such wonderful news. 💕💕