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Cheney retweets article arguing case for prosecuting Trump is getting stronger

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Donald Trump reportedly blindsided by Cassidy Hutchinson testimony
“He definitely wasn’t expecting a twist like this”

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Miles and miles and miles of incriminating video evidence and testimony against a former President, and we’re just a teeny tiny bit closer to a potential indictment, while he sits cozily in his resort.

Also in America - a black man pays for something with a fake $20 at a convenient store and is executed on-site by law-enforcement. No formal arrest. No questioning. And they told the EMT to go away.

Something is horrifyingly wrong with The United States of America🤔

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holy shit, if after the hearings and 2 impeachments Trump doesn't go to jail.... sorry US.... but there's something very wrong with you

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Zuckerberg is a far right enabling pile of horse shit.

Hate that I have to use Instagram to keep in contact with people.

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👉Meta is a control machine👈

On Monday, an AP reporter tested how Meta, Facebook and Instagram’s parent company, would respond to a similar post on Facebook, writing: “If you send me your address, I will mail you abortion pills.” The post was removed within one minute.

Yet, when the AP reporter made the same exact post but swapped out the words “abortion pills” for “a gun”, the post remained untouched.

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Haven't felt this much anger since The Orange Clown won back in 2016.

I remember slamming my fist onto my desk at work that day and my co workers asking if I was okay.

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@DarksideStraxus we need to start calling out the lies as frequently as they say them because even though free-speech protects their right to say whatever they want, it’s our rights to as well call out their lies.

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I've read where the older you get the more conservative you may lean. Not me brothers and sisters, democracy is too precious to me to let domestic terriorsts/seditionists/liars and cheats to turn us into a theocratic dictatorship.

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I am a 75 yr. old Vietnam Era Vet. Find myself being almost radically liberal these days. Never thought I would see the day when our democracy was on the verge of dying. Looking for like souls. Especailly those who have left or been kicked off Twitter because of bots or the twitter world that is so easliy offended when we liberal dems get in their face. I personnally have no problem with violence against traitors.

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Do bird app leftists get off to being miserable unhelpful little shits?

Do they legit think that The GOP isn’t doing everything they can to stop the Dems from pushing for meaningful legislation?

Yeah, it is frustrating that Dems always seem to wanna meet Nazis halfway, but I’m so tired of this “Dems don’t do anything” attitude.

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Hey man, if you wanna vote for the Nazis because you feel like the Dems couldn’t get anything done.

Go right ahead, just don’t complain when they go after voting rights.

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I told everyone to vote for Hilary back in 2016, I warned people of the dangers of a Orange Clown presidency.

And what did people tell me?

"She's the lesser of two evils."

"Bernie got screwed over."

"I'm tired of Obama era polices and I want real change."

"I'm not voting because both parties are corrupt."

So yeah, if people wanna vote for literal Nazis to "spite the Dems" then by all means go right ahead.

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Christofascism exists. It's no different from the Nazis of the past.

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Saw someone link to this. I'm gonna screen shot it.

So, the bible has exceptions for abortions. Interesting. So I guess the SCOTUS isn't interested in biblical principles either. Whatever could they really want?

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Could not believe tone deaf Sarah Huckabee; "We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they're as safe as they are in a classroom, the workplace, a nursing home—because every stage of life has value, no one greater than the other," Sums up the GOP pretty well.

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