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Good night, counter socialites. It was fun trying this new web app. Thanks

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Hi! The Jester and all counter socialites!

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look^^^^the Counter Social logo is decorated

Good morning, Counter Social โ˜• โ˜•
It's a good day to be alive

MARCH AND APRIL, Door Dash withdrew $9.99 out of my credit card, linked to paypal. This was not to cover any costs from an order. This was DoorDash making up a charge, and charging me.

I just phoned them and requested these 2 charged removed. It's seems like surprise fraud

@Alfred what does the word "abad" mean in Arabic or Pakistani language?

@Alfred did the eclipse cause changes in dogs' behavior?

What happened to Matthew McConaughey plan to run for president?

@Alfred why do you provide answers to certain questions but not others?

Good morning, Friday morning CoSoโ˜•

There's much thanks to be given to a couple of ladies who understand what's going on in my life now and it's just so helpful to be able to have a mutual understanding about a dilemma ... and to talk about it without judgment. Why is full time work resulting in tough times? I work about 40 hours. It's skilled work, and it's a privilege to work in a nice place.

The new people need to use a hashtag to designate politics when posting political stuff, please. That's how CoSo wants it. It was established awhile ago.

Watched a little of the hockey game this afternoon. Penguins beat Krakens! A penguin was pushed against a wall by a kraken. Why so mean? Another penguin skates up and pushes a hockey stick into this mean kraken just to show him who's boss.

Happy, healthy and prosperous 2024 to each of my fellow Cosonautsโฃ๏ธ

Good morning, Sunday CoSo โ˜• โ˜•

Good morning โ˜• to everyone across Counter Social. Happy Xmas Eve day.
Glad "tidings"

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