I want to thank everyone who messaged me all the kind words. Even though i didn't respond, they did not go un noticed. Friday and Saturday are going to be the hardest days i have had in a long time. It will mark 26 years since I've been in the same funeral home that my father was in , under new management. Same feel that it had all thoses years ago. My heart is broken.

I've been debating whether or not to post this, as most know I don't share my personal life very much.
But , My mom passes away early this morning. I had been taking care of her for the past 2 years, she had alzheimers and could no longer live alone. As tough as it was at time , we gave up alot to take care of her and I wouldn't trade it for anything. As difficult as was to say goodbye, she's in a better place. My heart is broken but I have family and friends to support me. Thank you all.


Hey Render, The Ohr is looking for you. Wondering if you could possibly DM.


I see you're going dark on X at the end of the month. You're still going to be here I hope.

Well before I get too into the Rum.

Happy New Years to CoSo !

Peace ✌️

Well , I am Alive ! Almost 3 days of no power. Come back last night. Now the clean up begins.

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