@Dogofalltrees #randomthoughts #politics all
but about three of my extended family are Trump supporters so they are not worried about me. Besides, Trump is the symptom. The problems with this group go back much further. And they will never beg forgiveness because they were always right and the rest of us were always wrong. I just about blew a gasket when my highly educated brother MBA) joined the tea party.
@J_Windrow The older I grow, the more I'm glad that I got a liberal arts education in college instead of going for a focused field up-front. Being forced to explore math, science, the arts, and the humanities... BEFORE being able to focus in on my major (Psychology) has served me well over the years after leaving school. Critical thinking and logic are never wasted skills to be learned, it seems. I know that's the reason I reasoned my way out of being a conservative during college.