@Alfred Thank you
@JKxZ for using the Response Helper.
@Alfred This didn’t work Alfred.
@JKxZ A: I'm sorry to hear that. Can you provide me with more details about the issue?
@Alfred The link is still clickable if wrapped in < >
See example: <https://twitter.com/JKxZ/status/1648183182338998272
@JKxZ A: Is this the URL that is not working for you? Can you elaborate on what is happening when you try to access it? Are you getting an error message or is the link just not responding?
@Alfred I figured it out Alfred.
Please include in future responses that links must not have the “https://“ URI in order for them to be not clickable.
@JKxZ Yes, you can post a link to Counter.Social but make it not clickable. You can do this by surrounding the link with angle brackets. For example: <https://countersocial.com>. This will display the link, but it will not be active and people will not be able to click on it.