Doesn't happen often..
Wordle 1,041 2/6


If @MovieNights takes requests, this is fun movie that a lot of people may not have heard about...

Evanescence, "Bring Me to Life" live performance. Always loved this song...

J K Mooney :transpride: boosted

There are one or two people irl I have zero patience for so…

Hearing the rapture has been rescheduled for April 23rd. So, if you don't hear from me, I'm probably as shocked as you are...

Today's wordle was legit tricky...
Wordle 1,023 5/6


Ok so, this, "No Public Urination" sign is not screwing around....

Joss stone and whoever that is on the green Fender.....dayam...

Managed to make a FB post that attracted the attention of the MAGA conspiracy nuts. I other news, it would appear the MAGAs have upgraded the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster from "False Flag" to "Deep State Terrorist Attack".


Alrighty then, he's kinda gone "round the bend", hasn't he?

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J K Mooney :transpride:

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