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Counter Social looks different from the last time I was here. Hmm...hope I don't get lost.

Counter Social looks different from the last time I was here. Hmm...hope I don't get lost.

Damn - today was exhausting wasn't it? Whole lotta breaking news...

Trump announces he's running for President Mueller digs into his business dealings.
This will turn out well.

Greetings - For those of you who know anything about plumbing...
We've had a ton of rain and my washer drain backed up. Luckily its rainwater so all is well.
But - my question is can I use ecologically safe drain cleaner on the drain?
Or do I have to have it snaked?
We have three dry days coming so I need to do something quickly before monsoon season starts up again. LOL

Watching BOO, the 1st Madea Halloween movie. Joe mutters, "sinner...devil..." @ Madea and it cracks me up.
When I get older (koff) I'll have to pay someone to act like a brother and do that to me.
Hey - it's good to have goals.

Paul Ryan spent the weekend fundraising for the GOP in FL (of all places) & was confronted by a teacher...whom he had removed from the event.
Smooth move, XLax.

This should be required reading for every American. Understanding what Russia did is the first step to ensuring it not happen again. via @[email protected]

That POS who murdered 2 Westerville cops on 2/10/18 has been released from the hospital and turned over to the jail.
Never will I say his name.
Never will I post his photo.
Never will I stop pushing for him to be put to death for his crimes.
RIP, 467 and 509

A 15 year old child shot 5 times while at school - one of the few places where his safety should've been guaranteed.

THREAD: Just tried @[email protected] 's service. Fill your shopping cart on their website, reserve a pickup time &pay via CC or debit card. Show up during your pickup hour then call a posted number in the CL parking lot & they bring your order.

This is exactly how 'fake news' is passed around to change the narrative. The only difference is, it's Russians who are usually doing the pushing.

How white nationalists fooled the media about Florida shooter via @[email protected]

The RNC sent this out to reporters...proof that Trump didn't deny Russia hacked our election.
It's all bologna of course but everything that comes out of the WH is a lie. So consider this an 'entertainment purposes only' flyer.

This is an incredibly reckless statement. A certain group of people won't bother to read the article - they will take it at face value because McMaster is a 'trusted adviser'.

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J.C. Wilder 🍸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.