INS Anna Maria:
Florida man accused of stabbing brother in neck for ‘talking over’ food while cooking
@CoyoteConscious We post a variety of news. We don't cover tRump
@IslandNewsService I have to admit, that is very noble and likable!
But it sure does feel like a lot of these articles are about these ugly street and domestic crime incidents.
Is that desired or intentional for some reason?
@CoyoteConscious We don't make the news, we just report it.
@IslandNewsService That's odd. My other news sources occasionally find things to report on other than someone beating their wife or knocking over a liquor store.
Anyway, you do you. Apparently everything's as intended, I'm just not your target audience.
@IslandNewsService “I swear to god if you let that soufflé fall I KEEEEEL YOUUU!”
@IslandNewsService Are all your stories about someone committing some sordid crime, or do you ever post other news?