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Anna boosted
Anna boosted

Completed all of the granny squares, blocked, and sewed in the ends last night. Starting on the joining today. 🧶

Anna boosted
Anna boosted

Twitter/X will begin to have users verify their identity by having them submit a selfie alongside a government issued ID. The process requires users to consent to X storing their information for 30 days and sharing it with AU10TIX, an identity verification company based in Israel.

Anna boosted

@InYourLibrary You shouldn’t cane your chair, no matter what mischief it has gotten into. Just hold it and love it and nurture it and you will find that canings aren’t needed anymore.
Oh. Wait. Never mind.

Learning how to cane a chair. I have much more appreciation for this style of furniture now.

Anna boosted

Welp, it looks like 100 is the limit on responses to a free Mentimeter account, so here's your word cloud when asked, "How would you describe CounterSocial?"

Anna boosted

"Six years? How come I never heard of you!?"

Probably because the other socials actively suppress us. Try posting the CounterSocial url into Facebook and see what happens.


Wildly unjust how victims (CHILDREN!) are being attacked by legacy media outlets while seemingly faces no repercussions.

Came across a hilarious Lorem Ipsum alternative today 😂

Sub debris found by the ROV "consistent with catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber".

So glad the mystery is over and hope it gives peace to the families.

Anna boosted
Anna boosted

A brief break from the mayhem to denote that if we were talking about a Democrat having committed these exact same crimes, I would be just as furious.

Doesn't matter who you voted for. This is straight-up treasonous shit.

Anna boosted

Reminder: Hillary Clinton was THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED for exactly this, and all they found was a bunch of innocuous emails.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.