To sum it up...
We now have John Kelly and Milley calling Dumpolini a fascist TO THE US PRESS.
Not me, the couch-surfing, guitar-playing lib with a philosophy degree and trying to steal yo' gurl. Not Ben-Ghiat or Applebaum. Not blah blah or blah blah. Not even my dear @Bix bless his heart.
🤬 🔥🔥
@InUnfunky Big Words coming from a Draft Dodger, indeed.
still makes no sense, he's just awful.
there was no point in their service, in trump's eyes... unless he could cash in on it somehow
@InUnfunky For #Trump voters, this is not a warning but a promise.
@InUnfunky @Bix eh, I’ve called Trump a fascist, but point taken.
@CanisPundit @InUnfunky @tgraph52
Gen. Kelly is on a mission to block Trump from the White House. It shows that every other member of his cabinet is a coward, or they could be talking to the press right now.
@tgraph52 @Bix @InUnfunky profiles in sycophancy.
I have never forgiven Cadet Bone Spurs for what he said about McCain. I may not have agreed with John's politics, but I would never, ever claim he was anything less than a war hero. That cheetoKKKlown can go fuck himself.
Trump is a very sick man.
Trump considers himself to have been wounded in battle so I guess he has joined the ranks of the losers, right?
Not an interesting perspective to have. It's an ignorant ungrateful crap perspective to have.