Past as SO TIRESOME and TEDIOUS prologue…especially for those of us boomers and Gen Xers reading the papers AND gossip rags (and yes New Yorkers and Jerseyites, you’re all special cuz vicinity, we know 🤣) back in the ‘80s and ‘90s who knew a certain scumbag from Queens was in fact a scumbag. Such a shocking revelation.
@InUnfunky As I said to a friend yesterday (about the Truth Social claim he has $500m when he told the court he did not), "It's like he's been grifting so long it's replaced any human there was once was. There is no man. There is only The Grift."
Pretty sure that was done by Fred Sr. when D was a child.
Now that you mention it...I pre-ordered Mary's book, got it, and read it in one day. Was disappointed cuz was expecting more psych eval, less fam stuff. I donated it to the local hospice thrift store.
👍 👍
@InUnfunky Maybe we'll get the psych eval in the new one she's writing