Past as SO TIRESOME and TEDIOUS prologue…especially for those of us boomers and Gen Xers reading the papers AND gossip rags (and yes New Yorkers and Jerseyites, you’re all special cuz vicinity, we know 🤣) back in the ‘80s and ‘90s who knew a certain scumbag from Queens was in fact a scumbag. Such a shocking revelation.
So much for “voters as last resort.”
Hopefully we don’t get a re-boot.
I blame Mark Burnett (and Les Moonves).
@InUnfunky Yep. Americans find politics 'boring' so producers put on clowns for clown shows and disguise them as 'news' programs.
The KGB concluded that Trump was too sketchy to be useful to them, and there's nothing in the Constitution saying "Russian assets" can't run for President.
How would they have "prevented" him?
People need to stop searching under the sofa cushions for magical solutions from the past century to keep Trump off the ballot here in 2024.
It's feckless, it's not happening.
I've been saying for months, barring someone dropping dead, it's going to be either Trump or Biden come Election Day.
This "ACTUALLY, he's not even ALLOWED to run!" stuff is kind of ridiculous at this point. He's running. He's got the nomination. That train's left the station.
@InUnfunky Yep. The paper trail runs long. The FBI, DOJ KNEW he was a Russian asset yet did NOTHING to prevent his from being a presidential candidate!