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Hi CoSo, I’m a blind writer fresh from Twitter & looking to connect with other writers of all genres. I just want fun interactions, a sharing of wisdom (where possible 😜) & an online community where I can chill & meet cool people. Please follow & I’ll follow back. Or please advise if I’m being to Twitter about all this & doing it wrong 😎

I’m uninspired at the moment & struggling to write words on new stories. So I’ve been editing previously written stories instead. It’s fun revisiting older stories & characters & re-entering those worlds. It’s all a part of the process though isn’t it? Sail while the wind blows & paddle like hell when it doesn’t.


Hey ,
Have you ever written about a character who is blind even though the character’s arc in your story had nothing particularly to do with them being visually impaired? How about any other impairments/disabilities?
Think about representation in your work. Impaired/disabled people exist. Please don’t cancel us in your stories 😎

You get offered millions to turn your novel into a movie. It’ll have the biggest stars & best director BUT when you read their screenplay; it’s ripped the heart out of it & completely misses the point.
What do you do?
Sign contract or refuse deal

Hi fellow CoSo users or anyone in the know. I’m new to CoSo & looking for any advice or resources on options to help me adapt to this platform. Everyone seems so friendly here & id love to get more involved but at the moment I’m struggling due to my lack of & admittedly bad tech skills. Any help, advice, or resources on this subject would be greatly appreciated. I’m just a analog newly blind dude trying to connect in a digital screen based world. Thanks 😎

Tonight’s a night for playing piano & drinking red wine 🎹🍷
Slàinte Mhath 😎

Man, if I knew half as much shit as my super smart MC in this story does…

Then I would still be finding it hard to write this bloody character by half 🤯😂

How do you go about a character who is a lot smarter/more educated than you are? 🤔😎

I mean, I’m no Daredevil but man, I just heroically drank that cup of tea to within an inch of my life. Some heroes don’t need a mask 🦸‍♂️

Words to ma pages mutha-writers & been having myself some fun 🤩

Hope you’ve all been having fun putting words to your pages too dudes.

It’s all about the fun of stretching our imaginations after alls 😎

Oh dudes, just hearing live music again makes my heart bounce. What an amazing night, with my amazing friends, eating amazing food, & followed by awesome live jazz music.
I feel blessed
I feel so inspired
Now to get riting
G’night everyone 😎

I’m going online for the night as going for a meal with friends & then onto a gig. It’s my first gig since pandamia hit. So I am really looking forward to it.
Catch you all on the flip 😎

Hi CoSo, I’m a blind writer fresh from Twitter & looking to connect with other writers of all genres. I just want fun interactions, a sharing of wisdom (where possible 😜) & an online community where I can chill & meet cool people. Please follow & I’ll follow back. Or please advise if I’m being to Twitter about all this & doing it wrong 😎

Hunter D Phoenix

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