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New Resume:

One woman show, happily single, introverted AF, loves to go MIA, a bit weird at times, founder and CEO of my own personal House of Smooth, caretaker of family, runner of errands, problem solver, bullshit coordinator and a good person with a big heart until you cross me that one wrong time.

Yeah, I take care of everyone and everything except myself. It's what I do. I'm not looking for any more work, just a f*cking break. 😜

Mini morphomatic.
Ro has become one with the laundry.

(Humor is still in the CoSo building...just lurking and throwing ⭐️'s.)

Sheesh. I can't wake up. Just going to read everyone's posts, ⭐️ and chill.


Ro's Monday Vibe:

I will lay on her & force her to nap!

(this was earlier, he succeeded & the tone for the day has now been set 🥱)

Look closely. Can you find Ro?

He's at it again. He must think I can't see him. 😆

My flower patch is really taking off after some much needed rain. 💛💛💛

Side note: I was looking a hot mess when the neighbor came driving up the street, so I beat a hasty retreat back inside. More pics to come later.

When you star your own post...... :facepalm:

I must have really meant what I said. 🤣


The place where you can have 5 different conversations going on at once. 🥰

I'm seeing various posts asking for the links and ways to donate or to become PRO.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Navigation Panel on the right side of the page. Click on "Help Us?" which takes you to a page describing how to:

Someone seems to be enjoying the heat today. Love seeing these guys around my house. He was bright green at first, but quickly changed his outfit when he moved to a different spot. 🤎💚🤎

Afternoon CoSo!! 🌼

I'm lurking again today. Sorta' have a headache that's also lurking. Ahhh, but the day isn't over yet. I will get *something* done today. (this post counts, right?)

Meanwhile, Ro is extremely occupied with whatever he's got cornered under there. This has been going on for half an hour. Determined he is. 😆

Ro: Now I'm going to stick my face up in your face. 🥰

(Purring like mad too 🖤)

I have arrived at my destination. I saw a herd of deer with lots of little ones. This place is beautiful. 💚

Heading out for an evening ride. Time to drag my worries over to the trash icon in my head. 😎

Bbl. ✌🏻

Todays mini Lidl haul. Not too shabby for under $10. I don't have to cook tonite, so it's a win. 😀

Good night CoSo! See you all on the flip side.

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Humor Has It 🩶

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