I keep seeing these annoying ads on YouTube for an organization called Caritas. Its purpose is to encourage adoption. The ad shows a military mom of color discovering she's pregnant and the White family who adopts the child. All is sugarcoated, the kid knows she's adopted and loves her parents. Heck, bio mom even gets to attend her birthday. Why YouTube, why?!? And nice try Catholic Church. MAGAS promote adoption and CP Centers but you never hear of them taking these kids in.
@lisaannlm seriously, this is racist. it implies that women of color are irresponsible & can't control their sexuality/personal health, and that a white family will step in to save them.
in reality of course, white families overwhelmingly refuse mixed race or children of color when adopting.
@redenigma @lisaannlm
I was raised Catholic. In my white, midwestern life experience, there are a ton of rascist Catholics!!!
@HopeSeeker @redenigma I was raised Catholic. My school experience having a disability wasn't good.
@lisaannlm @redenigma I wish I could say this surprises me. It doesn’t. I am sincerely sorry to hear about your experience.
@HopeSeeker @redenigma I got bullied by a toxic lay teacher. My mom got called to school because she was telling people I was disturbed. My classmates told her otherwise. I was pulled at the end of that year and went back to public school.
@lisaannlm @HopeSeeker my 7th grade guidance counselor told my parent's i was manic-depressive schizophrenic & they should institutionalize me. she was not, in any way, qualified to be making diagnoses (i was, in fact, autistic, but at that time it was thought only boys were autistic).
@redenigma @lisaannlm Good grief! When I was a child in a Catholic school, the diagnoses was singular. You did what the nun wanted, or you were clearly a SINNER. The Catholic Church has traumatized so many!!!
@HopeSeeker @lisaannlm my dad was very much less than impressed. she ceased to be my guidance councilor & in some discussion i wasn't privy to, it was decided that when i was overwhelmed (and that school was a sensory nightmare) i could leave class & go to the vice principal's office. no need to request permission from the teachers.
we had some lovely discussions about my then current prevarications, feline genetics & topology... some adults *like* meeting kids smarter than they are in areas
@redenigma I think I see what you mean. We are all “sinners.” The labels they tried to attach were not just inaccurate, like “sinner,” they were both untrue and hurtful and/or damaging. Is that essentially correct? @lisaannlm
@lisaannlm @redenigma
I apologize for reversing your names in my previous post.
@HopeSeeker @redenigma It's okay.
@HopeSeeker @redenigma Yes exactly.