Women attracted people:
Do you think that a woman being pregnant makes her more attractive or less?
Is your opinion on that influenced by whether the baby is yours?
@HonestPassion13 Interesting, I wonder what the results will be.
For me it's really neither, I don't recall anyone who I've felt a massive shift in attraction either direction due to pregnancy, whether it was mine or otherwise, so I am useless for your research 😅
@DerekWrites I might be wrong but I think that some men who want to be fathers (or be fathers again) are a little attracted to pregnant women
@HonestPassion13 I also know some men enjoy the fuller figure of a pregnant woman and some maybe feeling like she's a warmer, more nurturing person?
It says a lot about what they want in a partner, which is fascinating.
@HonestPassion13 My opinion is not influenced by the progeny, but I think that a pregnant woman is really attractive, due to the glowing skin. And the gift of life.
@HonestPassion13 I don't think pregnancy makes a woman more or less attractive any more than moving a camera does. It moves the light source, bringing out new highlights and shadows. Sometimes you like, sometimes you don't. I've never created a child, so I can't comment on your last question.
@HonestPassion13 Maybe a little. And no, not really.