I have no strong opinions on the British monarchy, but this is adorbs. 😂

One more week of working the polls in California. Here’s our team. (It was sports day)

Busy working the election polls. Today was day 3, 9 more to go, no days off.

Sorry haven’t been around. Training for poll worker job which starts next week, that means from now til June 8th, won’t be on social media: ILL BE HELPING PEOPLE VOTE!

Still trying to figure CoSo out. Glad it’s here, but I kinda forget to use it every day. Meanwhile…

Had a lovely Mother’s Day. Daughter shown in pix and her BFF of 10 years cooked brunch and w e all drank too many mimosas. Life is good!

Oops typo in last post. NOT going out tomorrow. 😊

What’s everyone doing for Mothers Day in the US? My kids (in their 30s and I still call them kids) have opted to. To take me to a restaurant because it will be packed, and instead to come over and cook for me. They are excellent cooks! So, that’s happening. I am blessed. 🌺❤️🍜

States with laws that explicitly protect abortion: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont

Supremes making me pretty mad tonight.All I can say is: VOTE BLUE. DONT SIT THE ELECTIONS OUT. YOU MATTER.

Unfortunately, my state is one of the "trigger law" states that would ban abortion the minute roe vs. wade is overturned. I'm not sure how many states have this, but I'm assuming it's quite a few.

This is Laddie. He left us a few years ago, but my daughters pix is so cool, wanted to share. have a great day everyone!

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