Woo-hoo! It's repair-the-gloves-already-we've-been-waiting-forever season. lol. Thank the Goddess for safety-lines in knitting. 🤣

[unraveling knitting always unravels my seriousness by quite a bit]

Yes - pictures will be posted.


So I've already finished the upper hand portion of one glove, now I'm working on the thumb portion. I unraveled roughly 1.5 inches since the thumb had been accidentally cut due to getting snagged on some metal. Here you can see the 14 sts back on 3.25mm needles. The white string is the safety-line. I'll be re-knitting the thumb with 4.0mm needles [which is a size smaller than the original knitting], but it's always easier to pick up sts using smaller sized needles.

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