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Dan Rather throwing professional shade:

"One thing Donald Trump knows is real estate. So I wonder what he thinks of Merrick Garland moving in rent free inside his head."

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Fox News Anchors Invite Trump to Call In After Garland Presser: ‘We’ll Open the Phone Line’



Overheard in a car parts shop:
"I am just worried I die and then no one can get into my car because the battery is flat." (40-something year old)

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Heidi boosted

Meanwhile Don the con played golf with people who may have financed the attack of 9/11 as well as arranging the horrendous murder of a journalist and hanging with a Hungarian dictator at CPAC

once again, mother nature reassures me that the best kung fu instructor is the spider in its spider web, stealthily hiding in plain sight. (you know you sang that line now)

Actually, it is better they are rid of such blatant racists. Now Kenly can hire a multiracial, multicultural police force. Those weak racists who quit actually did you a favor.

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Just finished Lost and I am a tad emotional - I binged watched it for the second time and got so invested in the characters and the storylines....I feel like I have just said goodbye to a dear friend forever...

I am rewatching series from the 90s and 2000s like ER and Lost. I am on the final episode of LOST and I forgot how insane it all was...

With all the floods, earthquakes, hunger, unrest and political turmoil in the world currently, I am starting to feel like Demi Moore in the 7th Sign…

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