The Beevis & Butthead skit is KILLING me!

When you get kicked out of the kitchen, but you still want to know what’s going on in there!

The NBA reinstates green after only 12 games.

Bets on how long before the next incident?

My youngest came home for Christmas. He was just here at Thanksgiving, but watching him leave tonight to go back to Phoenix hit me way harder than it ever has before. Not sure why, but…whew, those tears sure flowed. 😢


Our girl had to have her tummy emptied today after eating something she shouldn’t.

Thankfully our vet knows her well (this isn’t the first time 😳), and tells us on the phone how much hydrogen peroxide to give her to make her barf.

Now she’s subdued and giving me the side eye when she walks by. 😆

We’re grateful our DIL reacted quickly and made the right phone calls.

I hope she grows out of it soon though. 🐾

That’s my boy on the right announcing on ESPN for the Crossfit Games.

She has gone from fiercely guarding her food (and needing a slow feeder bowl) to willingly abandoning a full bowl if she thinks something more interesting is happening in the house (especially if she thinks the treat jar is being opened).

I honestly wondered if we were going to break her of food guarding, but patience, repetitive actions, and reassurance worked wonders.

Tonight, for the first time ever, she did not finish dinner. We pulled her bowl up after 25 min.

Our girl is growing up!

Our 7 month old puppy and her new 6 week old puppy pal.

I did NOT expect Lou Diamond Phillips!

The only thing worse than a Summer cold is a Spring cold. Ugh!!

Draymond Green needs to be ejected from the NBA.

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