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App set up, basic profile done. This should be interesting.

Great work by :jester: and his crew to set this up. Its the users' responsibility to make it succeed. Which means y'all going to have to carry my ass to greatness.

Well.. Get moving.

Bob Ley is on with Dan Patrick on his radio show.

Bob should have never retired.

Ok. I am running on a 1 month subscription to Proton VPN.

Two issues.

First: It won't let me access CoSo while on. Any way to fix this?

Second: How do I hide my info. As I can tell its only cloaked my IP. Things like my operating system and even screen resolution are still showing up on another VPN site. Is that normal or do I have to change more settings?

So I have dug through my entire feed and finally found where I asked for VPN recommendations for my laptop, iPad and phone.

All the replies are gone?

Ok. Lets do this again. Who has recommendations?

I don't mind a monthly/annual fee for quality and simplicity. But not ridiculous

Forgot to silence my phone so it was set off by a text message in my World Religion course.

In the middle of lecture on Christianity.

My text message alert: iGod by Evans Blue.

Every once in a while, I like to throw a grenade into a room full of people and watch the ensuing shit storm.

Which leads me to this:

@th3j35t3r or any of the devs/support..

Is there a way to edit my acct name with out re-regsitering? Not the display name but the actual @ one.

I dug through the settings but it doesn't look like it.

So are the other mastadon instances renewing their shit flinging because CoSo isn’t a cesspool of stupidity? Or is there something else going on that I missed.

Someone talking to me about my car...

"How can you afford it?"
"Are you married?"
"Do you have kids?"
"Well thats why you can't have nice things."

I still can't figure out why people don't like me.

A year and a half I have been working on finding this god damn thing and getting a deal worked out.

Normally it would be a "car shopping sucks" but to be completely fair... I am very picky about my cars and it had to be optioned just right and its a nightmare for dealers to work with me.

A crybaby bitch:

"A bloo bloo bloo if you don't agree with me you shouldn't be on my timeline"

You followed me dude.

"A bloo bloo bloo life is more important than your politics"

Not when I enlisted to protect the country and some shit stain is trying to ruin it.

"A bloo bloo bloo fuck you guys I'm taking my toys and going home"


The gap becomes pointless period after about 2 months because I would be above water...

The entire issue is not being able to get a declared tcv because *reasons??*.. And I could also just roll the dice and skip both hoping I don't total the car for the first year and everything becomes moot.. Oh hey thats the dealer calling, the car is supposed to be delivered tomorrow so I need to get everything sorted out at 7 in the evening...

Fuck this. Imma go watch guinea pig videos on youtube.

So I have been doing graduate level math trying to work out which I should go with.

Its now come down to when I sign all the final paper work, if I can screw them out of a few more bucks on the trade in and a few less on the price of the car. Which I might be able to do to the tune of about $500 each way for a total of about a grand.

If I do that then gap is pointless period. If I can't then its essentially a wash in terms of pay out over the first year...


A week ago I found the new car, in the right color, with the options I wanted in transit to a local dealer. Went to the dealer, struck the deal and put a deposit down.

Its been a fuckin goat rodeo trying to sort out gap coverage.

My insurance company only offers gap insurance if you finance through them, but they have a policy option for replacement @ tcv +20% at $4 a month. Getting gap insurance through the dealer will be like $1000.

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Have A Cigar

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