wait. you mean they were aware all along?
i'm shocked, SHOCKED

archive.is/M5Gtlv [NYT]

Fox Stars Privately Expressed Disbelief About Election Fraud Claims. ‘Crazy Stuff.’
Messages and testimony from Fox News stars and execs show their private disbelief over [DFG]'s voter fraud claims, while the network continued to promote many of those lies on the air

Ontario Provincial Police tell CityNews that its Anti-Rackets branch has received requests to investigate the Doug Ford government’s plans to open up parts of the Greenbelt for development.


The Modern GOP is nothing but a mob of crooks, cowards, and crazies.

Yes, @fordnation , there is still room to build up in cities to provide more housing. The greenbelt is not required and you know it.


Breaking: The Biden administration is finalizing plans to send the Patriot missile defense system to that could be announced as soon as this week. Ukrainians will be trained to use them at a US Army base in Grafenwoehr, Germany, officials said.


I don't think Ontario can take much more of this. Clearly we have a hostile administration that entirely against any form of public service.

Be it schools or children's hospitals.

Please vote when the time comes, Ontario. We are better than this...

Parks Canada warns of ‘irreversible harm’ if Ontario proceeds with Greenbelt development


#Germany. If Germany is arresting groups suspected of trying to overthrow the government should US be looking at trump & faux fox?


Bill 124 has been deemed unconstitutional by the Ontario Supreme Court!

This is a HUGE win for labour in Ontario right now. Especially with our healthcare system.

House Dems have :Asshat: 's tax returns up to 6 years worth.

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Harry Rasmussen

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