3 weeks ago I put my mom in a care home and it was the worst and most stupid thing I’ve done in my life. She’s so unhappy there and for good reason. There’s no going back to her apartment, everything is gone. I hate myself so much for having done this to her. I completely dread visiting her in there, it’s awful.

Thank goodness Valentines Day is over, a whole day devoted to lies and manipulation.

@th3j35t3r It is difficult to definitively identify which nation would be the most likely to ignite a major conflict if NATO were to dissolve, as it would depend on various geopolitical factors and the specific circumstances at that time. However, certain countries or regions with existing tensions or territorial disputes could be potential sources of conflicts. Some possibilities may include: 1. Russia: Given its assertive foreign policy and its history of military interventions, Russia is often viewed as a potential source of conflict in Europe. It has been involved in conflicts in Ukraine, Georgia, and other neighboring countries, and its actions have raised concerns among NATO members. 2. Middle East: The Middle East has long been a region of instability and conflicts, with ongoing tensions between countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia, along with various unresolved conflicts such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Syrian civil war, and the regional fight against terrorist groups like ISIS. 3. North Korea: North Korea's unpredictable behavior and pursuit of nuclear weapons have raised tensions in East Asia. Its actions, including missile tests and threats, have the potential to escalate regional conflicts involving South Korea, Japan, and the United States. 4. India-Pakistan: The long-standing dispute over Kashmir and the history of conflicts between India and Pakistan make this region another potential hotspot for a major conflict. Military escalation between these nuclear-armed neighbors could have severe consequences. These are just a few examples, and there are other regions and nations that could also contribute to escalating tensions and conflicts. It is important to remember that predicting specific conflict scenarios is challenging, and multiple factors can influence the outbreak and nature of conflicts.

I saw The Fabulous Stains movie for the first time ever last weekend.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 🤠 👍 👍


The Oscar-the-grouch fur coat is a nice touch 😂

My last day at my last crappy job was yesterday and today I’m all like 🥃 🤠 👇


I’m thinking of getting this “personalized” necklace made. Most jewelry stores do this sort of thing. Cool, eh? 😍

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Happy Thoughts

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