Where on Social Media can you find an admin and strangers checking in to see if someone is ok during a tornado???

@th3j35t3r just manually redirected his entire site wide emergency warning system to protect specific users from a tornado.

This is the best website ever and my heart great three sizes.

God I love CoSo.

Thoughts are with the people of Ohio & Indiana.

It's horrible to see places that aren't traditionally in Tornado Ally deal with these kinds of storms.

It's even more frightening that we can't do much to help alleviate the cause of these increase in storms.

Why are we standing by watching the spread of the far right like it's a slow motion train wreck?

This mess is like a disease where we must take decisive action before it infects the entire world!

It's time to declare Independence from the current system of mostly corrupt and greedy governments and the nation states to which we're tied.

We need to declare Independence from separation, corruption and inequality as we work toward a better society for all of humanity.

So who is all new here because of the twitter boycott?

With the light of day, clearly I count my blessings after last night’ tornados. I’m not going to lie, it was terrifying to not be able to see it coming. The damage around me is the worse I’ve seen in my life here.

Sleep has been little. But I need to go to moms soon to be sure she is as ok as she said she was last night. No property damage but she can be “too brave” sometimes.

We have another round possible later today. But at least I’m not in Oklahoma.

The Empire website is still a colossal mess.

At least every time I'm home I refine it a bit more. Make it a little less messy.

Perhaps in 2021 it'll be at least halfway presentable....

I came here after seeing a post; can't remember who right now. Visiting & 💯thinking of 'living' here. 🤔💡You've all welcomed me here, an immigrant in your land. You've welcomed me, fed me, warmed me, given me a place to rest. Why can't 🇺🇸 do the same for our immigrants? Weren't all our ancestors immigrants? How different our lives may have been! Be kind; if you come across an immigrant, know that they're desperate to find love from a Nation who sees them not as a threat, but as a kindred human

Need to see if I can find good ways to log into here while on the road, even with dreadful wifi. Getting on CoSo only once every few weeks when I'm at home isn't doing it....

The only thing I've seen invading America and causing havoc are numerous snowstorms - not immigrants. Climate Change can't be stopped by a vanity wall.

What will it take for people to actually realize that trump is bad news for America.....

Haven't enough red lines been crossed?

I want to thank whoever is taking one for the team to watch this clown show. I'm just hearing about it and I need a break.

So will trump cause the apocalypse?

Yes - boost or like
No - comment

How can you all watch it; you're a lot tougher than me!

It's not fair that Putin gets to run the USA. He never paid any taxes!

How long until the people in power realize we're all human sharing one world?

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Hanian Empire

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.