2nd wave.

(For reference: Wales is same size as Rhode Island with population size of Iowa)

Greywolf boosted
Greywolf boosted

The Gulf Stream is getting weaker and with it the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and this can bring big climate changes in the no so distant future realclimate.org/index.php/arch

@xal3x0n told me to stop singing "I'm a believer" over and over again, saying it was driving her mad.

I thought she was joking.

Then I saw her face...

Started to learn how to play the guitar...

...it's going slowly.


Their tour was called "Raj against the machine" 😁

I can't help it if my taste in music is somewhat unorthodox.

Greywolf boosted

AAAH why is this animated reveal blotting out the sun!!!

/no context work issue

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