Four day weekends are a double edged sword. You get more time with your family/friends but that first normal day is hard. You can take off your caretaker mask and fall apart some.
@Graci I took some classes at Emory U. "back in the day" and they had something they call Wonderful Wednesday. (I read it was discontinued some time back, to the chagrin of many.)
Classes were Monday Thursday or Tuesday Friday. There were no Wednesday classes at all. It broke up the monotony of the week just enough to take a breath.
It's a lot easier to go back to work when there is just one more day for a break. I think it was much better than getting three day weekends.
@Graci Productivity has improved tremendously since the 40 hour week was introduced in 1927.
It is way past time for a four day work week for all.
@Graci This is why I advocate for three day weeks. Monday is a working day, but not a work day.