
Day of Remembrance is November 20th. This is when the community recognizes the men and women who have been killed because they were transgender. I would like to say there are even more who take their own life due to the bullying and harassment directed at them.


Stop and think before you make that "tranny" joke. Stop and think before you point and stare. Stop and think before uttering that rude comment to a friend. These are people just trying to fit their square peg in society's round hole. They are human like you and deserve the common courtesy of a kind word or a smile. Their life could have very tough times that can be eased with kindness. And maybe, just maybe, that smile could save a life.


@Graci There are no acceptable jokes about trans folk. This is a good post.

@Graci Societies view of 'normal' is skewed. Everyone everywhere deserves to be happy.

@Graci 💯
I'm asking Congress to recognize sovereignty of identity as one on 5 human rights
because no matter what protections are currently on the books, they clearly aren't working

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