Jules It’s kind of ridiculous that the same group insisting on their right to bear arms to defend against a tyrannical government, are the most enthusiastic about the tyrannical government.

When historians write of this dark period in US history, they will need a special chapter just for Donald Trump's lies.

EVERY REPUBLICAN SENATOR voted against permanent middle class tax cuts.

Do you really think for one second that Jared Kushner won’t sell you out in order to save himself? This is just getting started, Donald. You’ve surrounded yourself with bad people and you’ve taught them how to be even worse people. Of course they are going to betray you when it inevitably comes down to it. Everything gets worse for you, Donald, from here.

Just an observation...the list of people going down from the Trump administration will be much longer that the list of those that will be cleared at this point.

Sen Dianne Feinstein‏
LATEST: The Joint Committee on Taxation says there’s NO CHANCE the Republican tax bill could generate enough revenue to cover the $1.4 TRILLION it will add to the deficit. Republicans claimed their tax cuts would pay for themselves through economic growth. That’s NOT TRUE.

Johnson (WI) 202-224-5323
Corker (TN) 202-224-3344
Flake (AZ) 202-224-4521
Collins (ME) 202-224-2523
Daines (MT) 202-224-2651
Keep the pressure on these six senators.

A whistleblower from the Office of Tax Analysis said Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin had not released an analysis showing that the GOP Tax Plan would be paid for with economic growth because one did not exist. They lie to us at every turn.

Almost 100,000 jobs have been lost to overseas competition since Trump took office — a higher rate than at any time in the past five years.

My brain cannot process the proposition: “Fight crime, vote for the child molester.”

So ready for justice now, let it take the Trump family freedom, money, and entitlements they never earned or deserved. Real estate assets can be turned into homeless shelters and havens for battered and abused women and children. $ assets, if real, can help pay for his excessive lifestyle the past 10 months.⚖️

Big failure by Donald Trump; he's unable to bring people together to make a deal based on his own words and actions. Photo in oval doesn't shame the Democrats - just makes him look ignorant.

Great to see you all here - hoping for great coversations!


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