@see_the_sus We don't have pets at the moment, but we visited a nature center at one point and got some good pics.
@GlennS I'm finally ok with holding a snake or it holding me LOL but only as long as I know it's coming.
@see_the_sus this was just a harmless blacksnake, nothing to worry about. Been holding them since I was a kid and I don't wanna say how long ago that was.
@GlennS it's only been, oh gosh, 20 years maybe since I allowed someone to place a snake on me. I try to push past some of my fears, but I draw the line with spides and certain bugs.
I won't look at pics, I'll walk down a different aisle at Halloween...
@see_the_sus right after college, i got a job in a pet shop. We had the usual dogs, cats, birds, etc, but we also had a nice selection of reptiles. This was the 80s, so arcades in malls were really big. So on break, we'd grab a boa or a python and go down to the arcade in the middle of the mall. The kids would ALL have one of two reactions...scream and run TO us or scream and run away. No in-betweeners. It was great!
@see_the_sus i was trouble with a capital T
@see_the_sus I probably spent a little too much time trying to be that way when I was young to make up for lost time being good.😆 Age brings some balance, best of both worlds
@GlennS so was my ex, which is partly why I was attracted to him. I was looking to get as far away from my upbringing as possible.
I do credit him for teaching me how to have fun and be spontaneous and not feel guilty about it.