Texas woman arrested after taking down Confederate flag that flew near her elderly parents' home https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/2/3/2151014/-Texas-woman-arrested-after-taking-down-Confederate-flag-that-flew-near-her-elderly-parents-home
@Gerry I don’t think it should be legal to fly the flag of defeated insurrectionists. Anywhere.
@robfwtx @Gerry exactly-thank you. That’s why trans people are being attacked so viciously right now. Unless you are a wealthy, powerful, white supremacist (all together - and I don’t assume anyone is/ i let them show me) the risk is death and imprisonment- and other things. I came out in 1998 in Provo, UT. I really do know what I’m talking about.
The United States, in contrast, celebrates the Confederacy, and pretends that slaves were happy. So, the way the Republicans behave, it is absolutely right to be concerned that if we take down their monuments, they will try to suppress the Rainbow Flag. That's a real, legitimate concern. I think we would be better off if we followed Germany's example. That won't get rid of all the evil people, but they'll have far less influence.
@Gerry @robfwtx Well & they are showing that the only way to change social norms is to change behavior. There are some very interesting studies on that - I love Hidden Brain- https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/romeo-and-juliet-in-kigali/
this episode touches on research done by a Holocaust survivor about how to prevent and heal from genocide. It's incredibly powerful and interesting.