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Hope is not delicate, or fragile, or precious. Hope has scuffed knees and elbows, blood on her face, and she spits out a tooth as she rises for another go.

If you are anywhere near the Lansing, MI, area, go see at the Riverwalk Theater. It is positively delightful!

Currently obsessed with way Fishman chops up rhythms on this song...

I have people in my life that know who Nick Bottom is, and I have people who know who Calculon is. These two groups form the world's worst Venn diagram.

I might actually have to work a full five days this week. I am not certain I remember how to do that.

Love is when you can picture them pooping and still want to have sex with them.

For context, I already have 8 kids on my caseload with behavior plans. The other MS SpEducator has none.. plus fewer kids.

Gettin' real sick of being the only SpEducator in the building to get the tough kids. I have 19 kids on my caseload (everybody else has no more than 15), but somehow it falls on me to take the new kid with a behavior plan and physical aggression tendencies.

I am a responsible adult. I am intelligent. I have two degrees. I am considered the expert on Autism and its spectrum by the administration in my district.

I still have to say Wed-nes-day as I write the word.

Humbling. 😅

Why is it that I could not have anybody in my classroom for hours, but as soon as I rip butt someone comes in to chat? Every. Damn. Time.

Remember, friends: licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.

Dip me in frosting and call me a cake because I am fucking baked.

Hope is not delicate, or fragile, or precious. Hope has scuffed knees and elbows, blood on her face, and she spits out a tooth as she rises for another go.

My half day/PD plus three day weekend has turned into a four day weekend. Happy Snow Day, y'all!

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