You can’t set a Hallmark movie in the South. Unexpected snow isn’t magical down here. It’s terrifying, shuts down everything for days, and leads to fights in the bread aisle at the grocery store.
Maybe if it were marketed differently to different regions, frozen zombie apocalypse in the South, whacky slapstick comedy in the North :)
@ceorl @GaryPoole Georgia didn't mandate car inspections (at least when I lived there), so old rear-wheel drive cars with bald tires was pretty common.
@Notokay @GaryPoole
Even here in a more northerly area I find the first snowstorm of the season the worst for drivers.
They just forget how to do it.
Pretty much every year my mailbox gets wiped out by someone who just fails to stay on the road :)
@GaryPoole I was in Atlanta once on a company trip of all southerners, and two of us from Boston. An inch of snow was forecast for Monday, and all the schools were closed as of Sunday night.
They made us northerners drive the vans to the meeting. The cacophony from the back sounded like I was driving them to their doom. "SLOW DOWN! YOU'LL KILL US!"
"Settle down! This is SLUSH! I couldn't kill you with a HAND GRENADE in this weather!" 😉
@GaryPoole Its fun, unless you get stuck on the side of a highway for 48 hours because you and 2 million of your neighbers don't even know "winter tires" are a thing and all of a sudden the highway is coated with ice and there's a 20 car pileup and Chipper Jones has to rescue you in his vanity 4-wheel drive vehicle that he finally got a chance to use for the first time.