@StacyKell So far this year I've done tomatoes, pears, eggplant tomato sauce, and pickled okra.
@StacyKell This weekend I will be removing most of the summer garden and starting the fall garden. My squash were lost to vine borers. My beans are about done. I'll get maybe one more round of tomatoes before they're done. My cantaloupe are still producing and my okra are prolific, but that's about it. I generally only can 4-8 jars per weekend, but it really starts to add up!
@StacyKell I'm east coast /NC. We usually have one or two late frosts in feb/early march and then we're generally ok to plant.
I'm on the same coastline... just considerably more northern. 🇨🇦
It sounds like my area is about 3 weeks behind you. (My squash has yet to bear fruit) 😬